Build a Pulser Pump
 Its really easy, it requires few materials
and it can be quite inexpensive.

The choice in the bottom rectangle is between 3 large pipe joints or a heat gun and
  some old heavy plastic containers.  Your choice depend son your ability with a heat
gun and  local prices. In some parts of the world, joiners are really expensive. We
cannot do that calculation. We do provide good instructions on using a heat gun!
Here are some helpful design hints for pump builders
I need to put a bit of colour in the diagram below. Remind me to do it!

These diagrams should give an idea of what the pump might be used for and what it might look
                       like in use.

                                           Garden Water features
  If you want a water feature in your garden, pulser pumps have many advantages. For instance, the same pulser pump can easily pump a lot of water to a low height or a less to a greater height. If you want a fountain and a low waterfall, one pulser may do it, but 2 electrical pumps might be necessary to suite the different conditions. Pulser fountains are pulsing fountains.
You do not necessarily need to dig  the pulser in as deep as we recommend. 2 meters deep will work but the efficiency will be a little lower. For water displays, this does not matter so much.
 The waterfall in the diagram is a bit too dramatic!!! compared to the stream!

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