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A Pulser pump is a combined tromp and airlift pump and they are simple and cheap to make. They have no moving parts and are water powered.      This pulser pump was started in 1988 and it still works today     (June 2000).
Normally, people are advised to keep the workings of their devices secret. However, after the recent death of my youngest brother, it is apparent to me that this useful device will not be widely adopted if I do this.  In memory of Eddie, I am making the details fully available. If you can make use of them, I would like some small payment or acknowledgement or at least, email about your own system would be nice. If you are in Asia or Africa, an email is payment enough.
It will take a while to put it all online, so please be patient.
These pictures were taken in summer 2000, and the pump had been in use for over ten years at that stage
Never, ever dig a hole for your pulser pump as I did here. I took a stupid risk and I was lucky.
It is not hard to shore up your work and it is much easier to dig a big wide hole than to dig a narrow one.
My brother died in
a far less dangerous situation. Please be careful!

           Animation of this type of pump working

Here is the whole thing. The cut blue barrel is directly over where the hole was. (The pipe in the foreground is not part of the system). Neither are the assembled equipment in the background or the blue barrel beside the up pipe.

 Here is the sieve at the water intake Not the best resolution I'm afraid! It is just a plastic can with large holes cut in the sides and the top and  with wire mesh attached.

These are pictures of the entry to the vertical down pipe.
Here it is with the top on.

 The top prevents dirt falling in, allows you to stop the flow of water, and allows you to adjust the flow of air into the pump.
I made the air intake adjuster separately and added it with the clear plastic pipe as the joiner. The half block is there just to hold down the aluminium top.

This is the top unassembled

Here is  the water going down the pipe with the lid off. Air gets sucked down too. The top makes it more effective. The water enters through a pipe on the right of the picture.


This is the water exiting, it is swirling a bit but about 30% of its energy has been used to pump air and more has been used up in the swirling that took place as the air descended. This was one of the first pulser pumps that I made and I didn't make the bottom chamber long enough. Consequently, when it runs fast, some air goes through with the exit water. You can see some bubbles . The plastic can protects the exit pipe from debris or sand falling back down it.
You can ignore the black pipe in the picture. It is not part of the system

 Below is a picture of a very important piece of the system (for when you are making a split process pump). The pipe, between the green and the black pipes, contains a bead with the thread hole drilled to a larger size. Air is sometimes sucked into the system is pulses, and the bead evens out these pulses to give a more even delivery to the end user. The improvement in water pumping  when you include this bead can be more than 10% so it is well worth it!

Here is a photo of the water being pulsed out of the pipe at about 1.2 meter high and going at about 8 litres per minute. (this is not the best height to pump). In the first picture, this is just above the blue barrel and normally it pumps up into the chamber high above the barrel. Perhaps I was too close for the camera and the top section ot the pipe didn't come out right but  the falling water did. The bottom of the pipe can be seen as a red tinted piece in the bottom right of the picture.

Here it is with the pipe outline  marked in  and a pulse has just left the pipe.

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